This week I want to chat a little more about what is out there for people with difficult nails. 
Summer is here (well it was, it’s pouring now) and many men and women are embarrassed about getting their toenails out. 
• People with fungal nails or nails destroyed from chronic fungal nail infections. 
• People with nails totally or partially removed through surgery or trauma. 
• People with thickened and distorted nails from major or minor trauma. 
You may feel that you are alone, but you are not and there is a very effective solution to this problem which can be used short term – over the holidays or reapplied to look great all year round. 
Toenails are not suitable for acrylic tips that have been designed for fingernails as the fingernail tips are too hard and under the forces exerted through toes they pop off.  
Wilde-Pedique is specially designed for toenails and is an extremely elastic UV gel that adapts to the movements and pressures that a toe goes through. 
I have been using Wilde-Pedique toenail reconstruction for over a year now and the results are fantastic. The nails look natural and can be painted like an ordinary nail. In some candidates, e.g. damaged nails where the prosthetic nail is being used to conceal damage and support the new nail, the nail will grow up and out with the new nail and can be trimmed until the new nail is fully grown. In others, they can flake away after 4-6 weeks. They can be infilled and reapplied. A prosthetic nail can be more comfortable than a deformed nail by distributing the forces more widely over the nail bed. 
Have a look at some of these before and after pictures. 
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