Posts tagged “Corns”

Hyaluronic Acid is a naturally occurring substance therefore biocompatible with very few side effects. 
It is available in various viscosities the thickest of which has been tried and tested as an injectable into the foot and is proven not to disperse under the pressure of walking or the forces exerted on feet from footwear. 
If you suffer from persistent corns or areas of painful callus on your feet, then I would like to introduce you to a treatment that you may benefit from. 
The riveting subject of the aging foot continues and this week the natural progression is towards corns and callus.  
These phenomena are not restricted to the older person or even the older woman although these are stereotypical who we think of when the words corn, and callus are mentioned. 
Callus is just hard skin… 
A so-called soft corn is a plug of skin that occurs between the toes.  
The natural moisture that we get between our toes keeps the skin soft but they can be incredibly painful. 
This is because they are caused by pressure and movement, so two bony prominences (the equivalent of a knuckle in your hands) rub continuously and stimulate the skin to develop, flatten and become a plaque. The plaque may or may not have a hard centre.