Posts from May 2017

This week's blog talks about a relatively new treatment for verrucae which is great if you are busy because it's a one-off treatment with reviews roughly every two months. 
It's called needling and, yes, it could do with a less scary name but it is what it is!! 
Needling was first carried out in America in 1969 and success rates of 70 – 90% after a single treatment are common. 
One verrucae will be selected to treat and the surrounding area anaesthetised. 
A caustic is a substance that is destructive to living tissue. Podiatrist have access to several with different actions, my favourite is 60% Salicylic Acid.  
It destroys Keratin, a protein that forms part of the epidermis where the Verrucae lives. This painless treatment is usually well tolerated. 
Cryotherapy is the destruction of diseased tissue by extreme cold. 
Your podiatrist will remove any overlying callus and the probe will be held closely to the lesion. An application will last 10—15 seconds and may be a little uncomfortable. A second application may be used. 
Afterwards the treated area will be covered. This area MUST be kept dry for 24 hours.