What on Earth is a Fungal Nail?
Posted on 21st June 2017 at 17:24
Fungal nails are very common, so don't worry you are not the only person in the entire universe with a wonky nail, or two.
They don't all look the same, some are white, yellow, brown or black. Some are thick and some are crumbly. But no matter what they look like, once you know that you have a fungal nail if you decide to treat it you will be in it for the long haul, so buckle up and be diligent.
We have about 100 varieties of fungi living on our feet and they are opportunistic.
This means that they just wait around for conditions to become optimal for them to go rampant! The dark, warm environment of a socked foot is the perfect start, add in a breach of the skin and even better a damaged nail and the invasion starts.
Tagged as: Fungal Nails
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